When should you seek help?

When should you seek help?

Like everyone else, you may experience hardships and problems that are difficult to overcome. Often, those closest to you provide the support you need to help you cope.

However, some situations require more help than others:

  • When your distressing situation does not improve.
  • When the resources around you prove insufficient.
  • When the difficulties you are facing prevent you from doing your job and affect your personal life.

Here are a few examples of cases where we suggest you consult a psychologist:

  • You have lost interest in your favourite activities, you are feeling very tired, you have lost your appetite, and/or you are feeling empty and very sad.
  • You have a chronic health problem and are trying to learn to live with it.
  • You are going through a divorce and need to work out arrangements for child custody.
  • Your child has learning difficulties, and you believe he or she has attention deficit symptoms.
  • You are considering organizational restructuring at work and want to ensure a smooth transition for everyone.
  • Your spouse fell while skiing and has a concussion; you are worried about him or her.

For more information on where psychologists practice:

Consult the “Where to find” page on the Ordre's website.