Bill 67 - Recognizing psychologists’ diagnoses would improve access to mental health services
Montréal, September 18, 2024 - The Ordre des psychologues du Québec today appeared before the Committee on Institutions to express support for Bill 67. The aim is to resolve the semantic confusion around the term assessment of mental disorders to ensure that this activity, which psychologists have been competently performing for decades, is finally recognized for what it really is: a diagnosis. If adopted, An Act to amend the Professional Code for the modernization of the professional system and to broaden certain professional practices in the field of health and social services could, among other benefits, enable the public health network to improve its service pathways by empowering the public to deal exclusively with a psychologist on questions of work stoppage and leave for mental health reasons, which would ease the administrative burden on family physicians.
Clearing up semantic confusion
The Ordre’s president, psychologist Dr. Christine Grou, explained to parliamentarians that the legislative amendments in PL 67 do not authorize psychologists or neuropsychologists to engage in a new professional activity, but simply resolve an issue of semantics that has for years confused the public, decision-makers, employers, insurers, the courts, government ministries and agencies, and even professionals.
“Unfortunately, there is still a question mark over whether the professionals who assess mental or neuropsychological disorders are qualified to determine the presence of a mental disorder, and identify it; in the worst cases, it is claimed that they cannot. Too often, a physician must confirm the psychologist’s diagnosis in order to obtain access to services, financial assistance, or tax exemptions,” states Dr. Grou.
A real improvement in accessibility
Around 68% of psychologists and neuropsychologists working in Québec report that they diagnose mental and neuropsychological disorders.
The enactment of Bill 67 is a unique opportunity to redefine the services offered to the population and promote better accessibility to mental health services. By clarifying the diagnostic scope of certain reserved activities under Québec’s Professional Code, Bill 67 would make it possible to build more efficient pathways for obtaining financial benefits, employment accommodations, tax exemptions and more:
- Access to services in the healthcare network: A person whose depression has been diagnosed by a psychologist could have direct access to government psychological treatment programs, without having to wait for a medical assessment.
- Front-line services: Recognizing psychologists’ and neuropsychologists’ diagnoses would help relieve overcrowding in doctors’ offices (40% of medical visits by people aged 18 to 24 concern mental health problems, and for the general population the number is near 20%).
- Work stoppage and return-to-work: Removing administrative barriers (from CNESST and private insurers) would enable the recognition of psychologists or neuropsychologists’ diagnoses of mental health disorders, and their recommendations, to authorize work stoppages or return to work.
- Constraints to employment or disability pension: Psychologists or neuropsychologists could determine whether mental or cognitive conditions may temporarily or permanently impair a person’s ability to perform an employment activity, without requiring further medical advice.
Six professional orders in agreement
Dr. Grou reminded parliamentarians that the six professional orders targeted by PL 67 have been in agreement for years: diagnosis is a professional act shared among professionals, not limited to physicians. Six orders have expressed their support for the changes: the Collège des médecins du Québec, the Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec, the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec, the Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec, the Ordre des psychologues du Québec and the Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec.
The brief presented to the National Assembly’s Committee on Institutions is available on the Ordre’s website (French only).
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Ordre des psychologues du Québec
Julie Beauvilliers, Senior Communications Advisor
514 738-1881, ext. 230